Article: Solar Farm Consent in Angus
Date: February 15, 2016
Lark Energy have achieved consent for a 5MW solar farm development on land at Parkhill within Angus Council. The development will have a significant and positive role in reducing CO2 emissions, with the capability of offsetting approximately 3,300 tonnes of CO2 each year, whilst providing clean electricity for approximately 1,400 homes.
Neo Environmental’s Involvement
Parkhill is the second site in Scotland which has been granted planning permission this year for Lark Energy. Neo Environmental undertook all of the environmental assessments required for the successful consent of the proposed development. The assessments and reports completed by Neo included: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, Landscape Plan, Ecological Appraisal, Biodiversity Management Plan, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, Flood Risk Assessment, Land Capability for Agriculture, Topographical Survey and Construction Traffic Management Plan (including Swept Path Analysis).
The main constraint identified at Parkhill was the potential loss of habitat for breeding birds, particularly corn bunting. The corn bunting is one of Scotland’s fastest declining bird species, with eastern Scotland supporting most of the remaining Scottish population. The Biodiversity Management Plan was produced in consultation with the RSPB in order to create and maintain suitable habitat to support this species, contributing towards the Angus Corn Bunting Recovery Project, in associated with the RSPB and SNH.
Neo Environmental have also undertaken the required pre-construction ecological surveys in order to discharge the planning conditions.
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