Article: Solar Consent in Skegness
Date: October 23, 2015
Skegness is a consented solar farm encompassing an area of approximately 16 hectares and is capable of generating 6.5MW of electricity, potentially providing power to 1057 average homes and displacing 2137 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. The project will therefore contribute significantly towards renewable energy targets for both the UK and Lincolnshire.
Neo Environmental’s involvement:
Neo Environmental was commissioned to undertake an evaluation in November/December 2014 in order to investigate anomalies identified in a preceding geophysical survey within the site of Skegness Solar Park. The evaluation revealed evidence of small scale salt production dating to the late Iron Age/Roman period, as well as turning up finds dating from the 13th century to the 16th century. Due to the archaeological potential suggested by these findings, a more recent watching brief was commissioned on the site during construction works in September/October 2015.
Summary of our involvement in this sector/market growth:
The archaeological works at Skegness Solar Park have been undertaken by the in-house archaeologists at Neo Environmental as part of archaeological conditions for its development. The package offered by Neo-Environmental provided a cost-effective and convenient method of assessing the potential for any sub-surface archaeological remains, as well as implementing a strategy to uncover and record the appropriate material within the solar farm site.
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