PROJECT TYPE: Mixed use development
LOCATION: Newtown St Boswell, Melrose, Scotland
Neo Environmental were commissioned to undertake a number of reports for a large mixed use development in Melrose, Scotland. The project involves an upgrade to the Newtown St Boswells’ auction mart, as well as the creation of retail facilities, a hotel, up to 150 houses and a new campus for Borders College As part of the project Neo Environmental helped produce the EIA Screening report before completing various environmental assessments including ecology, archaeology, landscape and visual and noise. The site was located directly adjacent a number of ecological designations including two Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and two Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Therefore a significant level of ecological assessment and consultation was required as part of the project. The Development was consented in March 2021.
EIA Screening
Noise Impact Assessment
Archaeology & Cultural Heritage Assessment
Ecological Assessment
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA)
Wright Business Centre,
1 Lonmay Road,
G33 4EL
T: 0141 773 6262
83-85 Bridge Street
Northern Ireland, BT43 5EN
T: 0282 565 04 13
C/O Origin Enterprises PLC
4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus
Dublin 24, D24 DCW0
T: 00 353 (1) 5634900
Valiant Office Suites
Lumonics House, Valley Drive,
Swift Valley, Rugby,
Warwickshire, CV21 1TQ
T: 01788 297012
Lakeview 600
Lakeside Dr,
Centre Park Square,
Warrington, WA1 1RW
T: 01925 984 682