Article: Neo Environmetnal gain consent for 12MW solar farm
Date: February 13, 2013
Neo Environmental have attained successful consent for a 12MW solar farm in Cornwall on behalf of Vogt Solar. The 15 hectare site will now be used to generate enough green energy to power over 2,200 homes in the region. The project will also see an enhancement of the local biodiversity through a habitat management scheme developed for the site. Through open dialogue with the local parish councils, English Heritage, Natural England and the Environment Agency, all impacts were discussed and successfully mitigated. The local parish will benefit from the project through the development of a community benefit fund aimed at supporting local ventures in the area. The application for this major development was supplemented by an in-depth Flood Risk Assessment (FRA), Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) and habitat survey all conducted in-house by Neo Environmental.
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