Article: Ecology and Ornithology: Winter 2015
Date: November 20, 2015
Winter 2015/16
Now winter is well and truly on its way, with the days getting shorter and colder, many species go into hibernation for the winter months, resulting in potential delays to projects until the appropriate survey season. There are however still a variety of surveys for these species which can be undertaken during these months, potentially reducing or preventing further delays to your project. Please feel free to get in touch for more details, and site specific information.
Many of our protected species are active all year round and can therefore be surveyed over winter in our changing landscapes. During these winter months it is not only the land that undergoes its seasonal changes, but the skies do too. Look out for the spectacular starling mumurations filling the skies, and the familiar V shaped flock of geese nosily flying overhead.
Please see below for a range of ecological services Neo Environmental can offer.
Ornithological services offered by Neo Environmental
• Desk studies, scoping studies and consultations
• Walkover surveys to map and count wintering populations within a study area
• Vantage Point (VP) watches through winter and passage periods, recording time and height of birds within a risk area
• Calculation of Collision Risk using VP watch data
• Advice on avoidance, reduction and mitigation of potential impacts on wintering bird populations during development works
• Full written report with results, analysis, recommendations and mitigation where necessary
• Ecological clerks of works
Ecological services offered by Neo Environmental
• Badger surveys
• Otter surveys
• Dormouse surveys (until November)
• Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) surveys for great crested newts (GCN)
• Bat roost assessments
• Bat hibernation surveys
• Phase 1 habitat surveys
• BREEAM assessments
• Desk studies, scoping studies and consultations
• Full written report with results, analysis, recommendations and mitigation where necessary
• Habitat management plans
• Mitigation plans
• Ecological clerks of works
To discuss you project requirements, please contact Dawn by email or telephone 0141 773 6262.
Wright Business Centre,
1 Lonmay Road,
G33 4EL
T: 0141 773 6262
83-85 Bridge Street
Northern Ireland, BT43 5EN
T: 0282 565 04 13
C/O Origin Enterprises PLC
4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus
Dublin 24, D24 DCW0
T: 00 353 (1) 5634900
Valiant Office Suites
Lumonics House, Valley Drive,
Swift Valley, Rugby,
Warwickshire, CV21 1TQ
T: 01788 297012
Lakeview 600
Lakeside Dr,
Centre Park Square,
Warrington, WA1 1RW
T: 01925 984 682